To have a continuously flowering orchid, you have to change the substrate once a year, but you can keep the same pot since orchids do not increase in size.
Watering the plant leads to a loss of nutrients in the substrate, so it is important to change it. Also apply a special fertilizer and consider choosing a special orchid substrate.
Tip to stimulate flowering
One of the most effective tricks to stimulate orchid blooms is to let them freeze a bit. Place the orchid outside, on the balcony or terrace, during the colder months like February, March or October and November, but avoid frost, sun, and cold drafts.
Keep the orchid outside for a week. In this way, the plant perceives the change of season and activates flowering.
If the roots are already exhausted and the plant has not flowered for a whole year, try another trick, which is to add a teaspoon of honey dissolved in the water we are using to the watering. Don’t do it more than once a year.